dinsdag 12 november 2013

Our Love. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi everyone!

We are Indra and Kristel . We are two girls from Belgium .
Indra loves horses, Kristel loves One Direction, and we both love music .
We are going to talk about our favourite music .

We have chosen

"Just the way you are - Bruno Mars"

It goes about a boy that loves a girl just the way she is. He tells her every day that she is beautiful, but she doesn't believe it.
He says every day that she has a beautiful smile but she hates it.

" If you could see me now - The script."

It goes about a boy who loses his dad. And he writes the song for him. He hopes that his dad could see what he is doing, but he is in heaven. He tells about his youth, and about the lessons of music that he gets from his dad. That's really cute! (our opinion)We love guys that are very sensitive.

Some link.

Just the way you are- Bruno Mars -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjhCEhWiKXk
If you could see me now - The script.-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGlkwKA-t_4

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